Home Made Tips For Beautiful Lips
- Make the granular paste of olive oil and sugar. Apply it on your lips and rub this mixture in a round motion. This will work as an exfoliator giving your lips a natural shine and color. You can also use the tooth brush to remove the dry flakes.
- Take some homemade butter and apply it on your lip after scrubbing. This will soften the lips and impart freshness to them.
- Cut down your coffee and beverages quantity as these causes the lips to darken. If you have the habit of smoking then also your lips will be of black color. It is advisable to quit smoking not only for pink lips but for good health.
- Eat lots of fruits and drink about eight glasses of water a day.
- Apply homemade butter before going to bed. You can also apply the milk cream if butter is not available.
- To lighten the color of your lips, daily apply lime juice on them.
- As per another ayurvedic tips for lips, soak raisins in water overnight and eat these as first thing in the morning. This will help you in getting pink lips.
- Apply almond oil on your lips daily. You can also make the paste of almonds in milk cream. Rub this daily on your lips. It is a very good lip conditioning technique.
- To lighten the lips, apply either olive oil or almond oil on them.
- Quit smoking. Although it is not easy but with this the lip discoloration can be stopped and many other associated diseases will not have any chance to occur in your body.
Nice informtion ,, i also tell you some points when you not use the LIps Blam
Lips take a lot of abuse, but they lack the protection that the rest of our skin enjoys. They have no oil or sweat glands, and they're constantly exposed to irritants:
should be use Chinese Lip Balm and make secure you lips
Chinese Lip Balm