Here are some easy ways to keep your
baby's skin as soft as, well, a baby's bottom.
1. Give your baby a post-bath
massage. Not only are massages a great way to
bond with your new baby, they're a great way to keep his skin soft too.
According to the MD Moms, the best time for a massage is after a
bath because your baby's skin is plumped up and hydrated and it will hold in
the moisture from an oil or lotion better.
2. Protect your baby from the sun. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) says you
should keep babies under 6 months out of direct sunlight—use an umbrella or
keep your baby under the stroller canopy. For babies under 6 months, the AAP
recommends that sunscreen be used on small
areas of the body (like the face and the backs of your baby's hands) if you
can't keep your baby completely in the shade. For babies over 6 months, the AAP
says it's safe to use sunscreen, but test it on a small patch of your baby's
back before using it all over to make sure he isn't allergic. For babies of all
ages, think about dressing your baby in hats, lightweight, long-sleeved
clothing, and sunglasses.
3. Prevent diaper rash. While a little rash here and there is inevitable according
to Dr. Sears, you can do some things to minimize
diaper rash such as: change your newborn's
diapers every two hours (longer for older babies), change a poopie diaper
immediately, clean your baby's bottom thoroughly, use a good diaper cream if
your baby needs it (petroleum ointment or white zinc oxide).
4. Use products with baby-friendly
ingredients. Pediatrician Alan
Greene, M.D., says to choose baby products that are free of harsh or
dangerous chemicals. Try to avoid these ingredients: talc, lanolin, and
fragrance. They can all potentially irritate your baby's skin. Remember to
choose a baby-friendly detergent too—those adorable clothes will be rubbing up
against baby's skin.
thanks for the tips.